Awesome email copy. Here’s a refresher on how to write it

From timing to split testing, there are many ways in which you can achieve healthy click-through rates and conversions with email marketing. Copywriting remains the deciding factor when it comes to the success or failure of eCommerce emails. It is the difference between an email that goes straight to trash and one that inspires a call to action. Here is a reminder as to what constitutes great email copy.


Come up with a hook


Remember: in this fast-paced online world, attention spans are at an all-time low. Everything is skim read, emails are scanned over and there is very little reading between the lines. Consumers want a catchy hook, a succinct line that summarises in full what the email is about. This is needed to bring your audience towards you and gain their interest.

Make sure it’s relevant


A step up from just the usual personalisation approach- as important as that may be, adding relevance to your email is the approach you need. This can come in the form of making notes on the consumer’s previous purchases, items that they may need replenishing and mentioning things that are happening to that consumer in real time, such as heavy snowfall, an impending bank holiday or a birthday.


Be informal


Keep it light and friendly. Yes, your brand will have its own tone and personality that you need to convey through your writing, but avoid at all costs the risk of sounding informal and too salesy. You want your emails to be engaging and this is only really achievable if you keep your tone friendly and breezy.


Inject some emotion


You want to elicit a response. Your main objective is to prompt action, be it in the form of a transaction or a positive online review. Individuals are only really motivated to do this if they have an emotional reaction to a stimulus. You must, therefore, make your emails tung on the heartstrings of your consumers. Make them feel inspired, envious, passionate etc and they will be more likely to heed your call to action.


Be aware of personas


Make sure you understand exactly who you are writing to before you sit down and produce your copy. It is not enough to know your audience demographic. You must know who they are as people. What they yearn for, what their lifestyles are like and what they want from a brand. With this in mind, you can begin to write in a way that will resonate with this type of consumer.


Abolish excess noise


Get rid of waffle, minimise the word count, in short; cut the crap. The best emails are concise, straightforward and won’t waste the consumers time. Say what you want to say, but say it succinctly.

Writing email copy can be fun and stressfree. Do it well and the benefits are huge. Recipients will engage with you, understand who you are as a brand, feel compelled to find out more and maybe even start buying from you.