Facebook’s Buy Button – will it help your business?

Not ones to be outdone by Twitter, Facebook has joined the eCommerce craze, with the launch of its very own Buy Button. The Buy Button has been a long time in development, but it is now clear that progress has been made and users will be invited to try out the new feature. With the staggeringly high amount of traffic Facebook news-feeds receive, it makes sense that in a commerce-driven world, this captive audience be encouraged to shop for items. But, will this latest Facebook endeavour launch a significant challenge to Twitter, Pinterest and even Google? And, more importantly, is this new feature something that can increase sales for your eCommerce business?


Why you should get it.


There are over 1.44 billion Facebook users worldwide, this is a huge pool of individuals who could potentially fall in love with your products, or at the very least want to pick up a one off purchase for themselves or a loved one. These customers, could eventually become part of your loyal customer base and become regular repeat purchasers. Already, Facebook has proven relatively effective as an online store. Online retailers can use paid advertising to promote their products, on Facebook. If consumers choose to click these ads, they are redirected to the sellers Facebook page and there is then the option to move to the official website and buy the product online. It is a lengthy, irksome process that discourages many users, who will drop out before they even get to the option of selecting the product of their choice, never mind the checkout page of your website. For every consumer who wants to do their careful research before making a purchase, there is a significant segment of your target audience, who just want to buy now.  The Facebook Buy Button allows you to satisfy this style of consumer.


How does it work?


The way the button works, is surprisingly simple and hugely effective. When a consumer is browsing online for certain products, this information gets recorded and stored. They may click off their browser and forget about the item they were looking at entirely, but the next time they are on Facebook, the product will appear on their newsfeed. The difference is that this time, there is no need to return to the product’s website and start browsing from the beginning to buy it. The product will be featured in the consumer’s Facebook news feed, next to a Buy Button, which when clicked on will take the consumer straight through to the relevant checkout page, where the item can be bought then and there. Essentially, the process is a reminder to an already engaged and interested consumer, that the item is waiting to be bought. The Facebook Buy Button, cuts through all the potential distractions your customers face whilst browsing and gives them the opportunity to buy from you, directly through their news feeds. It also acts as a polite nudge to customers, reminding them that a certain product is still out there waiting.




The issue of privacy is always the one thing deterring customers from spending online, in any capacity. With its Buy Button, Facebook reassures users that the whole functionality is security-oriented, with the social network focusing on making online payments as safe as possible. Cards and customers data will not be shared with advertisers.


For users who have done their research and are ready to buy your products online, the Facebook Buy Button is a great way of guaranteeing you secure their custom. The simple one click process, allows you to capture the revenue available to you from those customers who are already keen to buy, but have perhaps become distracted whilst on your website. As social media keeps growing, you cannot afford to neglect sharing your products with Facebook users.


Marketing and selling on Facebook is almost as old as the network itself, yet now it’s becoming even easier and faster to sell your products via the network. The Buy Button could be key to you securing more revenue online and may indeed prove a worthy investment on your part.