Interview: Roland Gavrylov. Operations Director


Superb is an award-winning and innovative eCommerce agency, specialising in Magento Community and Magento Enterprise solutions. At Superb a client’s success is paramount and all efforts go into improving their buisness, so their organisation, big or small can flourish. With a world-wide team of experts, they work collaboratively and creatively to find the best possible solution to client needs.


We want you to know who is behind their work, how they got involved with Superb, and what they like most about their dynamic and multifaceted roles. So we sat down with Co-founder and Operations Director, Roland Gavrylov.  This interview is the first in a new series of interviews with the Superb team members.


What’s your name and your role in the agency?


I’m Roland Gavrylov, co-founder and Operations Director of Superb. Currently, I’m based in Ukraine.


Where are you from and what’s your background?


Well, I did Business Analysis and Computer Science at Uni. It’s an area I’ve always been involved in. I started my first business in 2003 with Dennis Korf, (our Co-founder and Technical Director) at a time when we were doing various projects, like building custom applications and business tools. If a client needed a database to manage data, we’d deliver it.


In 2006 we decided to focus on eCommerce- we saw the potential there, and we built our eCommerce platform for projects. Then the first version of Magento came out, and we realised it was a good platform and an excellent open source, so we aimed to become the best out there at using it. The majority of the work we do is on Magento, but the whole community was non-existent when we first started using it. No one understood how to use it at first, except us. We understood how it worked from the ground up, to the extent that we built our training programme so we could train our developers. That’s why they are so good at solving complex problems and building various integrations such as ERP, WMS, different accounting packages etc.


When did you and Matt meet?


We met Matt in 2010.


When did you decide to start a company together?


We were working as subcontractors for Matt’s previous company, doing some development work. And then as the relationship developed, we both saw the same need out there for a proper technical digital agency, backed up by development resource and so we decided to create our own company.


What do you like the most about the team/company?


What I love most is the social aspect: Friday night, it’s pub time. I also like that we have brought together such fantastic talent. We have guys who can create enterprise software from the ground up, and they have not met any challenges they haven’t been able to solve. We’ve created a culture of being able to solve problems to help our customers. And everyone is very passionate about what they do; they care about the success of the client.


What is your current state of mind?




What do you consider the most overrated virtue?


I don’t find any virtue overrated.


Which words or phrases do you most overuse?


Technical, because everything is technical in my profession, so I find myself repeating it. Another one would be ‘architecture’, cause this whole thing is about technical architecture. ‘Data’, is another, it’s all about doing the right things with data.


Which talent would you most like to have?


Public speaking.


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?




What do you consider your greatest achievement or the project that you feel most proud of?


My children.


Any guilty pleasures?


None. Plenty of pleasures, none guilty.


Your current favourites:


Music: Imagine Dragons. Book: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Movie: The Godfather.


A message for our readers:


Work with us. We are always interested in working with new organisations on a variety of different projects. Get in touch today and find out how Superb can drive your business forward.