Shopping cart abandonment emails: How to get them right

It can be so frustrating when you create an effective website, complete with slick designs and the latest UX, yet you don’t get those all important transactions. It occurs regularly on so many sites, sites which have good levels of traffic, good inventories, and products that customers love. The reason for this so often is shopping cart abandonment. The problem is endemic; 67% of online shopping carts are abandoned before customers complete a sale. One way of combatting this is sending out personalised emails, direct to those customers who fail to complete their transactions. These emails can be just what a hesitant customer needs to feel compelled to complete their purchase. Often customers abandon checkouts because the websites they are shopping on crash or because they get distracted. A cart abandonment email is often just what consumers need to get back on track and complete their sale. Despite the effectiveness of these emails so many companies neglect to send them out, make sure you are not one of them. By following the below tips you can create brilliant emails that will ensure distracted, reticent customers go back and complete their sales.


When creating your shopping cart abandonment emails, begin by reminding customers of what they have left. Consumers often get distracted by menial tasks, lose internet connection or go onto a different website. A simple email that has a screen grab of what was abandoned, plus a link back to the cart, can be all it takes to get your customer to complete their transaction. Many brands use simple text and imagery, to remind their customer that they have unfinished business and then add a button with a CTA, to transport them back to their carts. The buttons can say something like “resume transaction” or “continue shopping” both of which more often than not bring about the desired effect of a completed sale. Using bold subject lines, in the first instance is a tactic that many brands adopt, an example of which can be “Where did you go?” or “ Don’t forget us”, subject lines that are personable yet project that feeling of urgency, that lets consumers know that they cannot afford to forget again to purchase the items in question.


Abandon cart emails are also great marketing opportunities. Make sure your email is consistent with your other marketing materials to really communicate with consumers what your brand is all about. If you are selling your customers a lifestyle or, for example, an image of reliability and efficiency, continue to do so through the imagery and copy that you add to your emails.


It can also be good to include copy that asks the consumer if there is anything you can do to resolve any issues that may have arisen which caused the consumer to avoid completing their transaction. It can be the case that clunky cumbersome layouts or misleading text, has caused the consumer to abandon their cart. Showing that you want to resolve any of these potential issues makes you seem considerate and helpful and will put you back in good favour with those customers who may be feeling let down. Remember to also personalise the emails where possible. Showing that you know which items the consumer left unpaid for is not enough, using a first name is a more convincing way of letting your consumers know that you value them as individuals.


Another way to indicate scarcity and encourage your customers to buy now or risk losing out is to inform them that you will be holding the items in their shopping carts for a limited time only. By implying that the items will not be there forever, you are encouraging individuals to get organised and make the purchase. A simple email that informs customers that their items will be saved for a limited time, complete with a link back to the cart, is all that you need to execute this.


Abandon cart emails are something that every brand needs to do if they are going to effectively combat high abandonment rates and recover some of that lost revenue. They are simple and easy to deliver if you bear in mind that content must be personalised, brand consistent and able to link back to the carts in question.