5th edition of 4YFN in Barcelona

The 5th edition of 4 Years from Now (4YFN) will take place from February 25th to 27th at the Montjuïc Exhibition Center in Barcelona as one of the complementary events during Mobile World Congress.  This fair has been created to be a business platform for emerging companies. It is the best technological showcase for those entrepreneurs who want to monetise their ideas.


4YFN has been designed to inspire, learn and share ideas with some of the most outstanding entrepreneurs and investors. It is a market for innovation, which brings together global representatives of large companies, investors and incubators to plan their future. Last year there were a total of 107,000 attendees from 250 countries.




Conferences, Discovery Area and more

During the three days of 4 Years from Now, there will be dozens of lectures and talks related to mobile technology. The Discovery Area is a space designed to improve ideas and make them possible. Here, visitors will receive advice and practical guidance for every aspect of their business: from the marketing strategy to the financial plan. There is also another option that let entrepreneurs introduce their project to a group of investors, companies or potential partners.



Leading up to and during 4YFN19 there will be many opportunities for entrepreneurs and startups to show their strengths to the tech world. Attendees can take part in 12 hours of masterclasses on Data Analysis taught by top professionals, followed by a 12-hour challenge to solve a real data case for a company. Ten lucky winners will get the chance to pitch their data case live at 4YFN19.