Interview: Andrew Zarudny, Project Manager.

The next in our series of interviews is with Project Manager, Andrew Zarudny. We sat down with him to get to know what makes him tick and to understand more about the phenomenal rise of Superb. Superb is an innovative agency, specialising in eCommerce solutions for businesses both big and small. Experts in Magento, they understand how to work with eCommerce site owners to ensure that their revenue streams are maximised through innovative design and UX.


What’s your name and your role within the agency?


My name is Andrew Zarudny. I am a Project Manager at Superb.


What’s your background?


For the last three years, I’ve been working as a Project Manager. Before that, I was a co-founder of a startup company that developed a dating service. It was based in Ukraine but available worldwide.


How did you come on board with Superb?


A friend of mine was working here, and he shared the contacts of the recruitment team. I touched base with them and had the interview with Superb co-founder Roland Gavrylov. During the meeting, we both understood that we were looking in the same direction.


When did you start working for Superb?


A year ago.


What do you like the most about the team/company?


We have a high level of technical abilities in the team of developers. Everyone has a good knowledge of how eCommerce works. We have a good understanding of other eCommerce solutions that exist in the market and know how they work in real life. We can combine them to have the best results. We’re all goal oriented. Everyone is responsible for what they do; we are also very open-minded.


What is your current state of mind?


I am inspired — especially when working with our clients. I am excited about the year ahead and what can we achieve.


What do you consider the most overrated virtue?


I’d say it’s idealism.


Which words or phrases do you most overuse?


‘Estimate’ ‘Deadline’ etc.… When I’m working on a project, it’s all about delivering on time and getting things done.


Which talent would you most like to have?


I want to improve my communication skills, I think.


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


I would have better planning for my free time and would spend more time with my family. There is always room for improvements.


What do you consider your greatest achievement or the project that you feel most proud of?


I’m happy that I managed projects for DCI.org, the Marching Musics Major League with an audience for their events of over half a million people per year, and Titanium.com, one of the most advanced solutions in the industry. Also, I like, and I’m pleased to work now with such awesome brands as New & Lingwood and Sunuva. The list can go on because I’m proud of all of the projects (40+) that I have participated in.


Any guilty pleasure?


Social networks. YouTube.


Your current favourites:


Music: Heavy rotation now is Kanye West and Robbie Williams. Book: Atlas Shrugged by Ayan Rand. Movies: Fightclub and Snatch.