Our Services: SEO

At Superb, we offer a range of different services, geared towards enabling our clients to be the best that they can be. We believe in delivering tools and support that allow our clients to maximise their sales and become successful in acquiring and retaining their customers. One essential service that we specialise in providing is SEO.


We provide SEO support mainly to our clients who are launching a new website. How we do this depends mostly on whether or not we are creating an SEO strategy for a client who’s the previous site had a non-Magento platform or if they are already using a website built with a Magento platform. If they are moving from Magento, the process is more complicated. For example, the URLs and the structure of the client’s current site will be different from the Magento one which we create for them.


Understanding the DNA of a site

From the get-go, it is essential that we understand the client’s current site. For example, which of their ‘site’s pages are ranking highest, what are the key landing pages, and what are the critical pages for new visits. Once we have this information, we can start creating our SEO strategy.


Often clients come to us with sites that have been made on the basis of decisions made during their development, and in a way that is often not readily understood despite being impactful. At Superb, we make it our job to unpick those decisions and truly understand the DNA of a site and how it has been operating.


We support clients with their content and make sure ‘it’s carried over accurately from the old site to the new one. Sometimes this is a copy and pastes job, and sometimes it’s done in bulk.


We created a SEO strategy for Culinary Concepts a home and giftware retailer


Ongoing SEO tasks

In terms of housekeeping and ongoing SEO tasks we make sure all on-page elements are maximised, we implement keyword friendly URLs, the canonical tags in the sites we work on have to be optimised to tell Google which pages of the site are essential and what SEO value they should assign to them. We also ensure the meta-tags on our client’s websites are filled with nicely worded descriptions that sell the site content, to increase traffic.


To-Do List:


  • Title Tags: e provide title tags, headers and URLs all include the relevant keywords. With the Magento sites, we build the URLs do not have ID numbers at the end of them, so the URL looks cleaner and better.
  • Mapping redirect: if the clients’ websites have to change all their URLs, the value is passed through to the new URLs. We sit down with our clients and go through each area of the site; we create a checklist which details each URL, so nothing is missed out. We use checklists to ensure the marketing track we put in place will work and that the product feeds such as Facebook and Google shopping, are all in place and all work effectively.
  • 404: Once the site is launched, we set up 404 monitoring, this enables the website to have redirects on all key areas, and we can then monitor error logs to make sure nothing unexpected is happening.
  • Content: Finally, we are also working with clients on their content, with a particular focus on optimising product information. We make sure that they understand the changes that are happening across their new website. Moving over to a Magento platform is an excellent opportunity for clients to spring clean their old categories, and we can review content errors together.



Superb is an award-winning digital agency. We build Magento based websites and also provide a range of SEO and Digital Marketing services. We have offices in London, UK, Kharkov, Ukraine, and Barcelona, Spain. Call us today to learn how we can improve your brands’ digital presence and online revenue.