SEO trends

SEO remains a cornerstone of brands’ marketing strategy. Well implemented, SEO allows a site to be well positioned, for users to visit and spend time on your website and for your content to appear in the first places of search results. Knowing what people are looking for by conducting thorough SEO research is key. Here are the trends in SEO for 2022.


1) Artificial intelligence will play a bigger role in SEO

AI will also start to play a key role in SEO strategy, especially thanks to Google’s RankBrain artificial intelligence algorithm, which is likely to become one of the most important ranking factors for search engine results pages (SERP) in 2022. The interaction of a user with the content of a website, click-through rate and the amount of time on the site, will be key factors that RankBrain will use when prioritising content.


2) The return of long content

Long-form content, 3,000 words or more, generates more traffic and it has more chances to be shared. However, success will depend on the ability of this content to keep readers interested. It is important to divide the content into sections, using H2 and H3, to make it easy to read (especially on mobile devices). You also need to make sure your content can be shared via social media and email to further improve SEO.


3) Mobile friendly content

Since 2019, Google first indexes content on mobile devices. This means that the search engine classifies mobile content as the “main” version rather than the desktop version. A mobile-friendly content is not about an adapted desktop version, but about a different way of organising information, links and buttons depending on smartphone’s interface and usability. Likewise, the content must be adapted to this format so that it is easy to navigate, read and share.


4) Video content is good for SEO

Video content creation is now a fundamental part of the SEO strategy in 2022. The arrival of short content on TikTok and the rise of formats such as Reels and Stories has made brands aware of its relevancy. Now, they are creating profiles on video platforms and have started to pay attention to the channel’s description, the description and keywords used on videos to help their content be better discovered and positioned on Internet.


5) Impact of automation on SEO

The automation of routine tasks is considered the cornerstone of digital strategy in 2022. Not only does it allow to focus time and resources on strategy and creativity, but this technology is capable of detecting, predetermining and correcting, when and where appropriate:


  • Anomalies in SERPS results.
  • Rankings and traffic.
  • Links and backlink profiles.
  • SEO audits.
  • Content and multi-site (large) audits.
  • Website and link bug fixes.
  • Decision making in real time.


6) SEO and PPC

In 2022, the trend will be an integrated approach to PPC and SEO. For example, data extracted from keywords and conversion results can be used for SEO. If it’s about utilising and distributing the budget in a smarter way. Another example could be moving high-cost or low-converting (but still important) keywords from PPC to organic search.


Our services: SEO

We take an ethical and holistic approach to Search Engine Optimisation. It allows us to deliver cutting-edge SEO campaigns that not only improve rankings and visibility in the search engines but campaigns that present your brand and products at the optimum time to customers. Contact us today!