Social media trends

More than half (57.6%) of the total world population are social media users. This means that 9 out of 10 Internet users have a profile on a social network or use these platforms to connect with friends, family, or follow their favourite creators and brands. In fact, 90% of Instagram users follow a business profile.


Likewise, social networks have also become showcases for brands in the last two years. Since the inception of lockdown, social commerce has gained traction as the preferred way of purchasing products and services, and positive interaction with brands and influencers is becoming increasingly important in the buyer’s journey.


83% of Instagram users use the platform to discover new products and services, and 87% took a specific action, such as purchasing, after viewing the product information. This is why marketers pay much more attention (and budget) to paid social.


But what other trends can we expect for the year 2022? We’ve rounded up our top trends to watch out for in next year’s digital marketing arena:


Videos, videos and more videos

This trend is not new, but it continues to gain relevance in the world of social media and content marketing. For example, since the advent of TikTok, highly creative videos have set a precedent for connecting with younger and more digitally savvy audiences.


This has made other networks, such as Instagram and YouTube, decide to join the party and offer their own versions: Reels and Shorts. Recently, Adam Mosseri, director of Instagram, said that the platform embraces a paradigm shift in which users ask for more entertaining video content.


Videos should be part of your strategy in 2022, but it is more than recording, uploading and expecting a big success. Instead, it’s about making entertaining and creative videos that provide real value to the users. Depending on what products or services your brand offer, create videos that speak to the needs and interests of your audience.


Influencer marketing and creators

Despite the pandemic’s effects on the figure of the traditional influencer, influencer marketing has gained more strength and is an essential element in any digital marketing strategy. However, a new figure has emerged within this scenario: The creator.


Influencer marketing is not just about interacting with a product or service and commenting on it. Instead, the creator not only interacts but makes use of available digital tools to experiment and create original content around that product or service, providing additional value to the experience and making it even more authentic.


Augmented reality in social commerce

The use of augmented reality filters on platforms like TikTok and Instagram has become an essential part of the experience on those channels. More than half of users have used a VR filter at least once in a video or story. This means leveraging its use to boost your brand awareness and user engagement is the next logical step.


However, the penetration of immersive technology is still a bit slower than expected in the commercial realm. This is because many brands and users are still not entirely open to its implementation and use. However, around 23% of consumers who used VR during their purchase said they were delighted with the experience.


Social commerce is here to stay

Recent studies have shown that half of the searches for information about products and services are carried out on social networks. As a result, these platforms have become the new search engines, and consumers hope to complete the purchase without leaving those platforms.


Let’s take the example of China: More than half of retail sales come from e-commerce, and social commerce is predicted to grow 35.5%, with sales of up to $ 360 billion.


This does not mean that e-commerce sites will cease to exist, but rather that the user experience with a brand must encompass all touchpoints. For example, a brand’s social media profile is no longer just a window to its ethos but also a showcase for its products and services with alternatives to purchase, different payment methods and the use of new formats such as VR to try on products before buying it.


Pay attention to LinkedIn

LinkedIn continues to gain ground in the digital space. Not only has more than 800 million active users in 200 countries and regions worldwide, but about 46% of social media traffic to a company’s website comes from LinkedIn. This means that the possibilities of this platform, especially if you are a B2B brand, are becoming more attractive.


LinkedIn recently launched Creator Mode, a tool to encourage professionals and businesses to post more original content. By activating this tool, your profile becomes a creator account, and you are eligible to appear as a suggested creator to follow.


The Creator Hub allows you to make and edit videos in a few minutes and offers the alternative of doing LinkedIn Live. In addition, it offers the option to publish a newsletter and the use of hashtags to get more visibility of the content and the publications.


In addition, LinkedIn ads are also a great way to reach a very niche audience. In October 2021, almost 790.4 million users were reached with LinkedIn ads, and this number has grown by 8.8% over the past 12 months.


Paid social is essential

With the advent and rise of digital advertising, organic reach is no longer easy to achieve. Plus, the volume of content posted daily on social media makes it even harder for small brands to engage with the right audience. As a result, the trend of 2022 is that content must be amplified with paid advertising, or it simply won’t reach the audience.


Although there are exceptions to the rule, and all brands hope to achieve that “viral moment”, organic performance is becoming an obsolete KPI. Why? Social media platforms also carry the advertising, and the algorithms have been learning for some years that those who promote content with paid advertising must have the best visibility and reach: It is the best for the business.


So by 2022, your content strategy should include a budget to promote your posts. Do it wisely by targeting the audience most likely to respond to and engage with your brand and eventually make a purchase or acquire your service.


Our digital marketing services

If you are looking for help with organic, paid, or a hybrid social media strategy and management, look no further. Social media allows us to make data-driven decisions to ensure the reach of your objectives such as lead generation, website traffic, user engagement and more. To know more about our digital marketing services, contact us!