The importance of omnichannel retailing in 2019

When it comes to how the omnichannel life-cycle impacts today’s thriving retail industry, ultimately, the customer experience still remains the most important outcome of all. From unique product innovation and marketing campaigns to positive and reinforced customer support, modern brands are in fierce competition to be seen and heard by shoppers. What’s more, how the most successful brands perform is often a direct result of leveraging each individual commerce channel – with the potential to sell both online and offline.


Here’s how to retain more customers, capture their attention and benefit from omnichannel retailing in 2019:


Boosting brand visibility starts with the customer journey

First things first, if you really want to stay ahead of the curve with your customers, it’s worth checking in with your marketing team to see just what engagement tactics are working in your brand’s favour. After all, your goal is to encourage customers to return, so it’s important to frequently analyse strengths and weaknesses as an in-demand retailer and see if any improvements can be made to your customer roadmap. Online shoppers and the Generation Z demographic in particular are well versed in using a smartphone to shop, and they are more inclined to buy from brands that offer authenticity, convenience, and above all – an affordable price tag. In the long haul, this means repeat purchases, five-star recommendations and greater customer loyalty, so it’s worth taking the time to understand your customer’s buying behaviour from both a product and service perspective.




Max out on the customer experience

Which ties in perfectly with retail’s number one driving force of 2019: The Customer Experience. From fashion brands offering try-before-you-buy shopping and payment options to beauty platforms that dedicate live chat messaging and tailored product advice tailored to the wants and needs of their shoppers, today’s customer experience must go above and beyond just offering discounts to impress savvy spenders. And because 75% of customers are more likely to purchase from a company that recommends products based on their personal preferences, it’s safe to say that creating a memorable experience that puts emotions first and sales second should always be at the centre of your engagement strategy. Case and point – Missy Empire’s clever use of customer-centric storytelling appeals to the heart of their shoppers because they lead with brand values and putting their customer’s individuality first.


Want to win more customers? Create a consistent omnichannel strategy

If you want to attract more customers and sway digital end-users into choosing your brand over the mass of competition out there, you must remain visible across every platform and create a customer experience that’s highly consistent. Whether it’s ensuring your social channels are up to date, exploring chatbot apps that interact with shoppers and learn about their needs, or imploring a fuss-free returns policy and in-store perks, each stage of your omnichannel strategy should integrate with your overall brand presence with the goal of putting the customer’s happiness and convenience above all.


Need advice on how to boost sales using the power of omnipresence selling? Superb can help. Discover exactly how our expert eCommerce team can help your retail business today.