Interview: Rosie Greener, Founder of Mood Good

This week we sat down with Rosie Greener, the designer and founder of Mood Good – an independent, London based jewellery brand. Apart from being known for their quirky and fun designs, their jewellery is also entirely ethically made and sustainable.


Tell us more about your brand.

I started Mood Good in 2017. I craved having a creative outlook, and I wanted to design something that was mine; something where I have creative control from the beginning to the end.


Previous to Mood Good, I worked in a big fashion jewellery company designing pieces for high street shops, big brands, and mass-market commercial product. I enjoyed the fast-paced environment, and it was exciting and trend-driven. However, you have no creative control and no input into the production or the marketing aspect of the product. So ultimately, I started designing jewellery in my own spare time.


And, that’s how Mood Good was born.


Rosie - Founder Mood Good
Rosie Greener – Founder Mood Good


On your website, you state that all Mood Good jewellery is ethically designed. What makes it a sustainable fashion brand?

Since the beginning, it was vital for me to make the pieces locally and using recycled metals. The packaging is also fully recyclable. All the jewellery is made in small workshops around London. I wanted to be able to go and visit the workshops and to have that peace of mind that things are made in the right way.


Is your company ethos an element considered when attracting your customers?

The mission of Mood Good is to create and design jewellery that is desirable for people. Unfortunately, some people still don’t particularly care if something is sustainably or ethically made. However, if I can design products appealing to people, wheatear or not they have interests in sustainability, then automatically they will be buying an ethical product. Being a part of the sustainable community of brands is important. We wouldn’t be able to have the opportunities we have had in the past if we stood for different values.


How has social media helped to grow your business?

Without social media, I don’t think there would be a business. Social media entirely levels the playing field. One of the first things I did when I started the brand was to create an Instagram account.


Over 90% of my customers find me through Instagram. It is my main platform for marketing. And most of my audience on Instagram has grown organically. It has been a long but steady process. One of the critical things for the success of a social media strategy is consistency. For Mood Good, I tend to post once or twice a day, every day. I have done so for the last three years, and it has seemed to pay off.


There are lots of other things you can do to get a larger following faster. However, I felt that I was finding people who are genuinely engaged by doing it slowly and organically. We have a good community of people who genuinely are excited about the brand and follow it.


Collaboration with Holly St Clair
Collaboration with London based illustrator, Holly St Clair


Apart from social media, are there any other components considered in your digital marketing strategy?

Yes, content marketing is one of our most important assets. I have a blog where I post about jewellery and talking to other creatives. Our content strategy tends to be based around, giving value back to people and entertaining them.


I also do an occasional Instagram giveaway. I do it as a thank you for the people who have supported me over the years.


However, a brand can’t rely exclusively on Instagram, so I decided to start a newsletter to build up a customers database using that channel. But, because I update Instagram daily, I treat the newsletter as an exclusive club to access any discounts or special offers. The idea behind the newsletter is not to spam people with it, but rather inform them of anything important that they might have seen on our Instagram account.


I have also tried collaborations with influencers, and what I have learned about it is that it’s not about the following size but the engagement of the influencer or content creator, and making sure they are genuinely interested and excited about the brand.


Mood Good Blog


As the founder and owner of an independent jewellery brand, do you think you will join Instagram Checkout when it becomes available in the UK?

In my opinion, there is a great advantage for people to leave the app and visit the company’s website. As an independent business, if I get someone to visit my website, and check the blog, read the about section or browse the rest of the shop, that’s a win. This is what builds up the brand identity and a sense of what Mood Good is.


Personally, Instagram Checkout is not something I would do unless it turns out to be massively beneficial for the brand. For example, if it makes buying products super easy, and hence users would make more spontaneous purchases.


What do you think the fashion industry post-pandemic times is going to look like?

With the transparency of social media, and everything being accessible online, people are becoming more aware of the way clothing and accessories are made. Mass, unconsidered consumerism was brought to a bit of a halt since the pandemic. A lot of people have also started to shop more locally and support local businesses. For Mood Good, the lockdown was a bit of a catalyst, and the brand grew a lot during this time.


People’s way of buying is changing. Now, they take more time to consider what brand they want to buy from and look more into it. Ultimately, it allowed people to buy things that are made with better quality and in a more sustainable way. Hopefully, this pandemic will continue to be a catalyst for change for many big fast-fashion brands, to become more ethical and sustainable. For now, we have to wait and see.


**If you are a brand looking to improve your Digital Marketing Strategy, create engaging content or revamp your social media presence, contact us!