Adding Twitch to your influencer marketing strategy

The relevance that Twitch has gained in the last two years is not news to marketing experts. However, the uses and benefits that its implementation can bring in the digital marketing strategy of brands whose target audiences are millennials and Gen Z are of enormous potential.


Michael Aragon, director of content at Twitch, describes it as a multiplayer entertainment platform where like-minded people meet to chat and enjoy the experience with their team. These real-time dialogues are like virtual parties that can last more than ten hours. As a result, these Twitch streams typically generate higher engagement than any video content on other social media platforms.


A high level of engagement and a strong bond with the audience are the main reasons influencer marketing gains traction on Twitch. The main difference is that promotions and collaborations with influencers are broadcast live instead of recorded images or videos. The most common collaborations between brands and Twitch influencers are giveaways and product unboxes.


Why should Twitch be considered in your influencer marketing?

The site is on track to surpass 40 million monthly active viewers. According to Twitch themselves, most viewers interact with streamers daily. A similar percentage supports them monetarily, either through donations or product purchases.




According to Adsmurai, these are the five reasons why you should include Twitch in your digital marketing strategy:


  • High impact on the audience thanks to low saturation.
  • Continuously adopts and embraces new business verticals that make its audience grow.
  • The ads are directly related to the user’s interests since the streamer decides when and where them.
  • Global reach.
  • Creation of a large, integrated and engaged community.


Promote broadcasts with “Boosts.”

Twitch is testing a new feature called “Boosts” that promotes streams from creators when viewers pay Twitch. While other platforms are looking for ways for creators to market their content to new audiences, Twitch is taking a different but equally controversial approach, allowing fans to pay to promote channels rather than the creator.


“What we’re doing with Boosts is giving viewers the ability to buy high-visibility promotions for their favourite creators, and these kinds of locations come at a cost”, said Jacob Rosok, Product Manager at Twitch.


Other alternatives for brands

If your brand is not ready to try with influencers, Twitch also offers the possibility to insert ads during the live stream: Before the content, during the broadcast (in this case, the streamer decides when to insert it), and at the end of the stream.


The example below is from a Wendy’s ad inserted during a Fornite broadcast.

